
Useful info and neat things.


video timing calculator
A calculator for determining pixel clocks for arbitrary resolutions.

Thinkpad FRU Lookup
A database of most official FRUs for most Thinkpads.


A replacement for DOSKEY.COM that adds tab completion and command history.

DOS 6.0 files
A comprehensive list of files on the DOS 6.0 install disks.

Configuring DOS 6.22
A guide with software recommendations.

Ardent Tool of Capitalism
A catalog of IBM PS/2 info with a nice title to boot.

PCI/AGP card compatibility matrix
A table of fussy DOS games and popular video cards from ~1996 to ~2004.

The Story of the 3dfx Voodoo1
A writeup on the early history of 3dfx and their cards.
Hardware identification and drivers for most 3dfx cards.

Parky Towers
Repurposing low-end thin clients; some are old/extensible enough to run DOS or 9x pretty well.


With98 (JP)
Machine-specific model database for both 9801's and 9821's.

PC-9821/9801シリーズ用: サウンドボードについて (JP)
Catalog of most sound cards.

Special boot-up key commands
Boot commands for viewing system info, booting to different disks, monitor frequency, etc.

Technical deatils of display out
Pinouts for digital RGB over DIN-8 and analog RGB over DA-15.

YAHDI (Yet Another Hard Disk Image)
A preconfigured disk image for getting a system up and running.

USB input device support for the lucky few 9821’s with USB.

ps2busmouse98, busmouse98-byou, and the board
Arduino projects to convert the bus mouse protocol into standard PS/2 or USB, alongside the board on PCBWay.

PC9821(PC9801)でMIDI音楽を聴く (JP)
A page testing various software for MIDI playback.

Fu-Music Player (JP)
Music player that supports lots of formats.

LCDs that Support 15kHz and 25kHz Resolutions
A spreadsheet of flat panel monitors that support sub-31kHz resolutions.

PC-98 Emulation for Beginners
A guide for configuring Neko Project with some game recommendations.


WineD3D for Windows
A DirectX 1-11 to OpenGL wrapper for Windows; more or less a reimplementation of Wine’s DirectX methods.

Working with MIDI on Windows (Outside of a DAW)
A guide to using MIDI on modern Windows, mostly virtually.

Using Windows XP in modern times
A guide to “modernize” XP; good software recommendations for offline/gaming use.


What's the Best Version of OS X for My Mac?
OS recommendations for PPC Macs from 1997 onwards.


TOSEC Naming Conventions
How image sets are named.

NES/SNES/Genesis games with batteries
Exactly what it says on the tin.

GBA save type database
Save types and size for GBA cartridges.

Sega Saturn technical bulletins
A collection of technical standards and design mandates for developers on the Saturn.

Saturn keyboard on Genesis
Using the Saturn keyboard for Genesis homebrew.

limitations of FATX
Info on the original Xbox's bespoke version of FAT32.

Porting Cursed Castilla to Nintendo 3DS
A blog by the developers of the 3DS version on how they pwned Game Maker to make the port.

A tool for generating 90's word art.

The Video Game Art Archive
High-quality scans of promo art for games.

顔文字カフェ (JP)
Kaomoji catalog.

Windii's Brownie Hideout
English translations of an old Sonic Team member’s blog; he writes short stories of the Sonic cast as per their characterization in Adventure to Unleashed.
Sketch trades.
WebGL map data renderer for various (Nintendo) games.
A fansite for Miku-adjacent things.
An internet radio station with an open chatroom.

Dynamic Range DB
A database of CD’s/digital downloads and their dynamic range.

Settei Dreams
Production materials and sketches (settei) for lots of anime.
A web port and translation of the PS1 SEL game.

Dynabook's "Under Maintenance" page
It looks really funny.
An old freeware game site.

Jeff Varasour's portfolio
An extensive portfolio for a leading programmer at Digital Eclipse, a notable contract developer from the 90’s and 00’s.