
Info about everything!

About the site

The idea for site came from a friend I met at a convention in 2023 and the server he frequents. Both him and the supportive people there gave me the courage to put pen to paper and work on this site. If you know who you are, thank you.

The name of this site comes from the successor group to Sega's S.S.T. Band, Blind Spot. If you get a chance, their arrangements are great; these are some of my favorites.

The favicon is the little SMT demon that shows up everywhere.

The general theme is a riff on the early US Genesis boxes; it was originally going to be Master System-themed, but I liked the darker look better.

This is the second major iteration of the site. Knowing me, it'll probably go through another few revisions as I go through page builders.

Sorry if text looks bad, the fallback for Hack is your generic monospace.

About me

I'm backflip720 (or xlhashbrown, depending where you look) and I like hardware. Commodity PCs, audio equipment, game consoles, imports, arcade gear, whatever I can get my hands on. I do some electronics repair as a hobby, but I study networking otherwise. I have a couple certs, but I'm always working on a few more.

I'm in Ohio and sometimes I go to conventions (CGC, Smashcon, a VCF sometime soon). Travel is something I'd like to do more, but schooling and $$$ are what they are.

As longterm goals, I'd like to compose some music and take the JLPT (N5 or N4?). I've been reading textbooks and learning piano, so progress is being made. I'll update the site/this page when things start materializing.

Mental health is a struggle, but I'm doing okay now. Please, if you feel something is wrong, talk to someone you trust and verbalize what you're feeling.


If you have some info, want to talk, etc, I'm available on a few platforms. I'm usually pretty timely, but you never know.